Hi everyone..
I can't play guitar or piano..
but I have this melodies in me that rushes like they want to blow up anytime if I'm keeping it in.
So here goes.
My songs. Everything to do with what I feel inside. >>>
Maaf Ku Pergi
When I Talk
Beri Daku
Imagining Things
Lukisan Cinta
then the HEART speaks...
This is where I wrote my heart out. I never intend to hurt others. If I do, pardon me. God Bless everyone.
...enjoying foods and drinks of life.
Friday, April 13, 2012
Friday, June 24, 2011
Me singin' with my lil brother, Bruno one evening...spontaneously...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tell me your secret...
It's 10 minutes to midnight...
Just wants to write something to show how thankful I am.
For a family. For friends. For love.

I am just a little person in your lives.
I hope my care is always what you need.
I need you to need me.

Maybe, I have to be the best to get your attention.
But no, I won't do that.
I'll just be, and do, what I want.
Maybe then, you'll see you love me for that and not the perfect person you want me to be.

Even when I made a wrong choice.
Believe the wrong person.
Hope for empty promises.
I will do all these.
Not to prove you wrong.
But to show that I am someone.
And, yes, to see whether I am the one you really love.
To accept even the crippled me.

And when I see all that, there's nothing more I could ask.
Just wants to write something to show how thankful I am.
For a family. For friends. For love.

I am just a little person in your lives.
I hope my care is always what you need.
I need you to need me.

Maybe, I have to be the best to get your attention.
But no, I won't do that.
I'll just be, and do, what I want.
Maybe then, you'll see you love me for that and not the perfect person you want me to be.

Even when I made a wrong choice.
Believe the wrong person.
Hope for empty promises.
I will do all these.
Not to prove you wrong.
But to show that I am someone.
And, yes, to see whether I am the one you really love.
To accept even the crippled me.
And when I see all that, there's nothing more I could ask.

From Bintulu To Niah Cave with Chia CoCo, Atie, Dillut, Inut and Cahya.
We went there a few months ago, but something moves me to publish our journey today.
The gang went there on 7th of August 2010. It was not a planned trip as people may think.
Its a three some reason: to release our tensions from our hard day work, to spend a memorable fun weekend and just a little reunion for the six of us.
We are ex-collegemate and some of us are known for their crazyness. Me?...I'm just doing my who-sticks-to-one-plan part. The mastermind in this trip was..em...i don't quite remember. I picturize multiple faces. Hehe...but anyway we've had our blastful weekend. So, never mind who throws the idea right guys?...
Inut and I went there by bus from Miri to Bintulu. Chia drove all the way from Seratok. He didn't even know I was coming there too. And Atie, Dilla, and Cahya waited there in Bintulu. Its a crazy meeting. Haha...
Remember how Chia stroll his car without the lights on..in the night...and he thought everyone were eyeing for his white shiny new Vios...hoho...hillarious...

Going to Niah's Cave was crazy. Not because it was a cave but because Niah is near my present school aka home. HAHAHA...
Imagine I went from Miri to Bintulu then to Miri again (for Gua Niah) then back to Bintulu again that evening then Back to Miri again on Sunday morning...all in that three days Two nights weekend. Gilaa....
But it was such a fun.
Us at the Niah exhibition house. We went there to rent flash lights.
Lihat kasut getah kami...
Baru beli...khas untuk masuk gua..haharr...
Funny signboard on the way to the Cave. No 'I Love You' here okay...
Yeah...sempat pose maut tu..hahahaha
Stairs. Stairs. Stairs.
It was pitch dark inside the cave. See nothing but smells everything.
Yezza...sempat makan durian lepas kuar dari Gua...ho ho ho...
Minum air dari kulit durian boleh hilangkan bau durian??..ask chia...hehe
Kena seberang sungai. Ingatkan naik bot nak jalan jauh...
Rupanya seberang sungai saja...keciwa..haha
Tugu Taman Negara Niah..
Our fun was not finished yet. At night we went to the Fun Fair. It's true coincidence that the Fair was held on that weekend too. How Lucky..
Terai main dart...kagum orang sekeliling taw tngok pompuan buang dart...hahaa
tp x menang pun...cais...
After Fun Fair we went for an hour of karaoke session. Its just the four of us. And there I was, sings my heart out. As usual, I don't care if I sing terrible or acts carazee. As long As I am PUASS..haha...
Dilla, Cahya and Chia were shy2 at first but they too gave their all out after they saw me menjerit sakan macam buat konsert...
Hujung2 semua orang pun buat konsert...hahaha..
Then it was a heartbreaking morning on that Sunday morning...
Everyone had to go back to where they belong...Me and Inut almost missed our flight.
But anyway everyone got back safely to their own nest P1 and P2 school...it was a two days week end, but felt like a week...
Had Fun, and we will do it again for sure...
The gang went there on 7th of August 2010. It was not a planned trip as people may think.
Its a three some reason: to release our tensions from our hard day work, to spend a memorable fun weekend and just a little reunion for the six of us.
We are ex-collegemate and some of us are known for their crazyness. Me?...I'm just doing my who-sticks-to-one-plan part. The mastermind in this trip was..em...i don't quite remember. I picturize multiple faces. Hehe...but anyway we've had our blastful weekend. So, never mind who throws the idea right guys?...
Inut and I went there by bus from Miri to Bintulu. Chia drove all the way from Seratok. He didn't even know I was coming there too. And Atie, Dilla, and Cahya waited there in Bintulu. Its a crazy meeting. Haha...
Remember how Chia stroll his car without the lights on..in the night...and he thought everyone were eyeing for his white shiny new Vios...hoho...hillarious...

Going to Niah's Cave was crazy. Not because it was a cave but because Niah is near my present school aka home. HAHAHA...
Imagine I went from Miri to Bintulu then to Miri again (for Gua Niah) then back to Bintulu again that evening then Back to Miri again on Sunday morning...all in that three days Two nights weekend. Gilaa....
But it was such a fun.

Lihat kasut getah kami...
Baru beli...khas untuk masuk gua..haharr...

Rupanya seberang sungai saja...keciwa..haha

tp x menang pun...cais...
After Fun Fair we went for an hour of karaoke session. Its just the four of us. And there I was, sings my heart out. As usual, I don't care if I sing terrible or acts carazee. As long As I am PUASS..haha...
Dilla, Cahya and Chia were shy2 at first but they too gave their all out after they saw me menjerit sakan macam buat konsert...
Hujung2 semua orang pun buat konsert...hahaha..
Then it was a heartbreaking morning on that Sunday morning...
Everyone had to go back to where they belong...Me and Inut almost missed our flight.
But anyway everyone got back safely to their own nest P1 and P2 school...it was a two days week end, but felt like a week...
Had Fun, and we will do it again for sure...
CaKes .:45 to 49 kg case:.
haha...you guys just got to see my blogs 'bout cakes n foods..
hahaha..why?..cause those who knows me better will know that I'm not so fond on cookings. But interestingly so fond of 'EATING'..yeah!
My interest in cakes arouses when I stayed with my present housemates, Kak Fred n Kak Mas.
They are some masters in cooking. They love to cook everything: from lauks to cakes..
Some of their specialties I've enjoyed so much is pucuk ubi, ayam panggang in oven, chicken curry, chicken kurma, and various2 other more that i can't even count.
Cakes are their specialties too. It was on this recent Raya Days that i've tasted 'Heaven'. That's when they made all these different kinds of deliciously steamed cakes..Love it! Love it! Love it!
This is Kek Arang. or other names people might call it..
What ever name that is, love this. This is made by Kak Masniza. It taste great. Berlemak. whew! once u tried, you'll want more.
As green as it looks, it is as green as its name. Kek Pandan bah ni...
Same like the above. Berlemak and is a sweet thing. With pandan's smell, beckoning anyone who took its smells from far. Made by Kak Fredda.
This is Kek Batik. Cikgu Siti made this. It's as heavenly as those two above. But she puts a pinch of nescafe in it. I might've love it more if she made it purely in chocolate.
Cikgu Siti made a chese cake too. Don't tell my housemates but that cake was my favorite on that open house that day. Not that I have a very sensitive tongue to judge but because i love CHEESE. In fact any dairy product is my fondness. Hehe...
Cheese Cake
1 bar philadelphia cheese
1 tin susu junjung
2 Salted cheese crackers
Hancurkan cheese + susu junjung + 2 spoons of butter.
Put 1 layer of crackers to your bekas then 1 layer cheese on top of it. Remember, crackers must be soaked in susu junjung first. That is to soften them. Do this again and again to make 10 - 20 layers of cheese and crackers. Then put in a freezer for about 5-6 hours. N then enjoyyy....FYI this cheese dessert is one of my favorite in the mean time...yea..
I've tried making one of my own cheesy cake on my own. (well, of course under the supervisions of our Master Cook Fredda hehe..) I didn't use salted cheese crackers. Instead I used Marie's. It was as good as the cakes which Cikgu Siti has made.
Well, it certainly got my 'trademark'. EXTRA CHEESE and less sweetness. YA-A-AWW! I'm drooling just remembering how it tasted...I know I'm goin' to do it again on this coming christmas...so you guys are welcome on our open house this December... MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance ya'll...:)
Other than cakes, there's also a pie. It's Kak Fredda's recipe. Called Chicken..umm i dont remember pie.hehe..in it are mashed potatoes, mushrooms, chicken and cheese. And some veges. Its smells so good and taste good too...
O my gosh you guys are so rugi cause you are not there to try it. Don't worry I've seen how she made it. So I'll probably put this on christmas's open house menu...

So this is it for now. I love to eat but is a terrible cooker. They say la...
But I don't know...cause there's some friends says that my cooking is boleh tahan juga. Cause I love it simple but full. Simple to cook but full in flavour. Those who have tried knows what I mean. And they might look at me twice whether to tell I'm lying or not bout me. A terrible cooker. (at least that's how I see myself)...
haha...you guys just got to see my blogs 'bout cakes n foods..
hahaha..why?..cause those who knows me better will know that I'm not so fond on cookings. But interestingly so fond of 'EATING'..yeah!
My interest in cakes arouses when I stayed with my present housemates, Kak Fred n Kak Mas.
They are some masters in cooking. They love to cook everything: from lauks to cakes..
Some of their specialties I've enjoyed so much is pucuk ubi, ayam panggang in oven, chicken curry, chicken kurma, and various2 other more that i can't even count.
Cakes are their specialties too. It was on this recent Raya Days that i've tasted 'Heaven'. That's when they made all these different kinds of deliciously steamed cakes..Love it! Love it! Love it!
What ever name that is, love this. This is made by Kak Masniza. It taste great. Berlemak. whew! once u tried, you'll want more.
Same like the above. Berlemak and is a sweet thing. With pandan's smell, beckoning anyone who took its smells from far. Made by Kak Fredda.
Cikgu Siti made a chese cake too. Don't tell my housemates but that cake was my favorite on that open house that day. Not that I have a very sensitive tongue to judge but because i love CHEESE. In fact any dairy product is my fondness. Hehe...
1 bar philadelphia cheese
1 tin susu junjung
2 Salted cheese crackers
Hancurkan cheese + susu junjung + 2 spoons of butter.
Put 1 layer of crackers to your bekas then 1 layer cheese on top of it. Remember, crackers must be soaked in susu junjung first. That is to soften them. Do this again and again to make 10 - 20 layers of cheese and crackers. Then put in a freezer for about 5-6 hours. N then enjoyyy....FYI this cheese dessert is one of my favorite in the mean time...yea..
I've tried making one of my own cheesy cake on my own. (well, of course under the supervisions of our Master Cook Fredda hehe..) I didn't use salted cheese crackers. Instead I used Marie's. It was as good as the cakes which Cikgu Siti has made.
Well, it certainly got my 'trademark'. EXTRA CHEESE and less sweetness. YA-A-AWW! I'm drooling just remembering how it tasted...I know I'm goin' to do it again on this coming christmas...so you guys are welcome on our open house this December... MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance ya'll...:)
Other than cakes, there's also a pie. It's Kak Fredda's recipe. Called Chicken..umm i dont remember pie.hehe..in it are mashed potatoes, mushrooms, chicken and cheese. And some veges. Its smells so good and taste good too...
O my gosh you guys are so rugi cause you are not there to try it. Don't worry I've seen how she made it. So I'll probably put this on christmas's open house menu...
So this is it for now. I love to eat but is a terrible cooker. They say la...
But I don't know...cause there's some friends says that my cooking is boleh tahan juga. Cause I love it simple but full. Simple to cook but full in flavour. Those who have tried knows what I mean. And they might look at me twice whether to tell I'm lying or not bout me. A terrible cooker. (at least that's how I see myself)...
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Love is Greedy.

I pray..I pray...
that there will be some way for me to have my wishes to come true...
I see the highest, widest, and thickest wall in front of me...
I just wish there will be the MOST ALMIGHTY hand to tear this wall..
I haven't done all that. Cause there's no gut.
Not a gut to defeat. But to hurt.
No gut to hurt.
Time is my guide right now.
because Time sees everything when humans cannot...
I love him.
But love is not enough.
I want to be with him every second...
But everyone is against us.
Even the World is against us.
just what we should do?...
sometimes I get tired of just saying I Love You everyday
but never can share even the most ordinary day of his life...
I hate when I have to choose between my Loved Ones.
I want them all to myself.
Am I too greedy for that?
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